Friday, September 28, 2012

I heart boys

We want our boys to be strong and adventurous. To be brave and courageous.  To know that they are loved and chosen by God.  Most importantly, we want them to grow into godly men.  
I heart boys.

words from the Word

Ahhh the power of words, especially words from THE Word.  One of the main reasons I started painting was because I loved giving personal and thoughtful gifts to my friends and family, and loved the idea of giving painted verses of encouragement.  On birthdays, holidays, births of baby, even funerals and when loved ones have been diagnosed with cancer or other tough stuff.  The Word of God heals, it brings joy and hope, it comforts the soul, it anchors the heart.  I love it!  

Monday, September 17, 2012

Pink Sunshine

Here's my latest custom order - the "You Are My Sunshine" set... in PINK!  Watermelon pink and apple green to be exact.  First time doing this design in this shade.  I think it works.  :)  
Hello Pink Sunshine!  

Friday, September 7, 2012


When my niece Julia was just learning to talk, her kind and then kid-less Auntie gave her parents a break to go out for a parents only night on the town (they probably went to Costco or something).  They were so incredibly grateful until they came home and learned that I (oops, just gave away my involvement) had taught my niece the word "whatever."  Oh, but it wasn't just the word.  It was the hand on the hip, the tilted head, and long drawn out errrrr that really thrilled them.  My niece is now 13, and the word still drips from her mouth like honey.  Love it!  One of my most favorite painting designs is inspired by my darling niece and the original hangs above her bed.

My Sunshine

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

If the words of this song don't melt your heart, then I need to take your pulse.  Such a sweet song!  When I was a new mama, struggling with heavy baby blues (ok, yeah, that's called postpartum) and a colicky, cranky baby (and mama), the only song I could pull myself together to sing to my baby boy was this song.  God gently delivered me from that low place and now love of music and song is one of the sweetest things that I share with my firstborn.  This song will always hold a special place in my heart, a reminder of that little baby boy that stole my heart and of the faithfulness and healing of my God.  I just can't stop painting it.

Paint Me a Symphony

I love old hymns.  They are saturated in so much rich theology and musical creativity.  Totally paint worthy!  I found this great, old hymnal at the thrift store the other day and was so excited to start tearing it up and using the pages for art and painting projects.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Teacher Gifts

Seriously, how many boxes of chocolates or jars of smarties can a teacher get before her dentist recommends a career change?  Teachers are amazing (and I'm not just saying that because I am married to one).  They work incredibly hard doing something insanely important.  I love doing something special to thank them.  Although you can't beat cash and gift cards, another great gift is a custom painting.  Here are some examples...

Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice

As a mom of just boys, I am always delighted to get to paint for little girls.  Princesses, fairies, flowers, hearts, and lots and lots of pink.  I think art is a fabulous way to celebrate the special birthday of your princess or to cheer up the simple walls of her bedroom.  Girls are just plain darling.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Wild Things

As a mom of two rowdy boys, Where The Wild Things Are has become one of our most favorite bed time reads.  Nestled into the pages of ugly monsters and a naughty boy is one of the sweetest expressions of love I have seen... "Oh please don't go, I'll eat you up, I love you so."  Just about as precious as a full nelson hug from a sweaty, darling little boy.  Perfect.